Friday, September 28, 2012

those days

kinda crazy, just woke up, stressed day hair.. haha

You know those days.
Where pretty much everything just seems to go wrong.
At work.. at school.
even driving. Just random bummer things keep happening?
And then, of course, it happens on those days where your extra emotional.
And that makes it extra hard not to fall into the pity-party pit of despair..
 This week has held a few of those days.

Sometimes all you can do is cry, call your Mom, and go buy a pair of teal pants.
Then you can say a prayer, and just keep on moving.
you can always see the bright side of life again after that (:


  1. I love your pants. And I like how your wrist looks funny. A lot.

  2. Oh Whitney..I am so sorry that you had a rough day!! I hope you are doing better. Lots of hugs from us here in Utah!! Love you so much!!! And I LOVE YOUR PANTS! :)
