Wednesday, January 16, 2013

heart writings & rainy days

I’m just sitting in my cozy little dorm on the top floor, 
all cozied up with warm herb tea, rain pouring down the window outside, 
listening to smooth, sad songs, and feeling tired but warm. 
Rain always makes me feel so… melancholy, and hopeful,
 and just like the world is a mysterious but beautiful place. 
Something about it makes me think of my life in a lovely, whimsical, tragic way – 
expectantly waiting for something simply wondrous to happen.

I saw a picture of these bandaids recently, and they had written on the top 
(where the cool superheroes usually go) 
what happened to cause the owwie. 
They had these awesome things, like a shark bite, ninja attack, ect.

But it brought me this random thought – 
what if, on your heart, you had written the things caused you pain?
 Or made your heart hurt? 
Whether that is feeling alone in this world, or feeling afraid and sad because of someone hurting you, 
or losing something or someone you love dearly, if only for a time. 
If only we could see the things people had written on their hearts –
 I think there would be more kindness and understanding in the world.

I thought that to myself, and then I thought about how sad that would be.
 And then I thought about how, instead of just those sad things, 
what if we still had written those hurts, just in small scribbly cursive script, 
not focusing on them more then we need to - 
and then had written more detailed and elegantly and boldly
(because these are the things that deserve to be focused on)
the strong and beautiful the things that we did and received that let us overcome those things anyways?

Like the courage to go on and hope for better, 
the strength to see the good in the trials that come, 
and the wisdom to know that things will get better if you just hold on… 
and the humility to still love and serve and see how much beauty is still in the world. 
Wouldn’t that be inspiring? Despite the evil in the world, the good never ceases to inspire me, and the wonderful truth is that good will win, and bad things & hurt will cease, in the end.

And that is what rainy days make me think about J

This week I have worked so hard. And it feels so good.
Stayed on top of homework, learning so much, working, job hunting, making new friends 
(sometimes this is hard work for me, haha),
 and keyed up my running workout to 5 miles when I go. Woot woot!

Work makes me so tired, but it makes my relaxing and having fun just for the joy of it so much better!
And, that is what I’ll do tonight. Cozy up with my music, a thick homemade quilt from my mama, 
lovely daydreams in my mind, a cup of herb tea, and a book to read just for fun (not studying).
Life is good J


  1. Thanks, Whitney, this really helped me:)

  2. You write beautifully--this is a lovely post. <3

  3. Beautifully written.
    I love your blog and the pictures you take are absolutely wonderful :)
