Friday, April 6, 2012


Super embarassing moments this week!

So a few months ago I drew a picture of the Salt Lake temple in my sketchbook for my Drawing class, and underneath it wrote "the Salt Lake temple - where I'm going to be married!"
I guess my professor took this literally. Yesterday I had all these pictures laid out for my next project for inspiration, and most of them had to do with weddings. We're dealing with homophones, so bridal/bridle, dear/deer, flower/flour.. ya know. (I am most definitely not a wedding crazy man hunter). So my professor came over, and started laughing at my bridal/bridle comparison, and said he wondered what my fiance would think of that! Then he said it's understandable I did a wedding theme, because it's obviously on my mind alot. He kept talking about his thoughts on how I was getting married, ect. I was just thinking what the heck?? So I told him, oh, Professor, I'm not getting married. It took a few awkward minutes (for him and I) to explain, with a captive audience of the rest of the class, how I was not getting married, never have been engaged, and that it was a future dream, not a current happenstance.

Then... Okay, this one is super embarassing. So on my finger.. is a small wart. Gross. Totally, completely disgusting right?? I've been going to the Naval base medical building to get it frozen off every week for the past month and a half. And it's still not gone. Yuck! Anyways. So yesterday morning I called for my next appointment. The lady says "Could I please have your name?"
"Whitney Morris," I say.
"Oh.. is this for the wart removal?"
I am officially known on the Navy base as the girl with the runaway wart.
I'll just go cry in my far away, socially isolated corner of utter humiliation now...

Hahaha. Yeah. Totally gross.
Besides that, this week has been pretty great. One more week of school! :)
Got a date this weekend... My first concert coming up... Dance coming up... and...
SUMMER!! Windows down, swimsuits on, late starry nights, sunshiney days, nice tan, Legally Blonde/Jack Johnson season. I am beyond excited :)
Happy Easter!

Pretty sky :)

Tired of studying.. haha

Cool patterns

and some funny ones :)
Freaky Jacob

Isaac.. haha

Adam/Gorilla Man

Most heart wrenching face ever. haha

Mr. Adorable

1 comment:

  1. Ah, my little pretties :-) Goofy, smart, wise, talented, energetic, patriotic, and each power packed with individual personality! Love it!
