Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Washington DC

I always love going there.
I got to see the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights for the first time this weekend.
It was so powerful to see the original documents. My mind turned to the principles that they represent, and I stood, reading and thinking for a while. It was really interesting to see the reactions of other people, some just giving the glass cases a glance or two and then moving on.
Afterwards we went to Arlington Cemetery and saw rows and rows of white headstones of men and women
who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect & defend those principles and freedoms. It reminded me how much I am given. It is a free gift to me, bought by the priceless sacrifice of many others. It is my job to remember it, to appreciate it the best that I can, and to do my part to protect and uphold those principles.
Pondering these things made me think about another greater gift, a gift that if we did not have, these things would not mean anything. A gift that enables families to live together forever, and to have eternal life. Another gift that is freely given, that is up to us to appreciate and accept.

 I took a ton of pictures, and am going back on Thursday with a friend for my birthday.
My family also celebrated my birthday early, with some pretty awesome moments at Ihop.. aka Grandma blowing straw wrappers at my brother, strawberry banana crepes, embarassing birthday song, opening presents (including a nice new camera - yay! and lovely Mt. Vernon things) and lots and lots of laughing. I have the best family. Also got my birthday 'ice cream' (frozen yogurt) at Crave. Yummy!
Seriously, it's been a great week.
Now I have a ton of huge decisions coming up. General Conference is this weekend. My birthday is on Wednesday. I'll officially be as old as my Mom was when I was born. Life is good!

Cherry blossoms!
Washington Monument
more cherry blossoms! These things are everywhere, and they smell so great!

Each star represents 100 men/women who died or were declared missing in action in WWII

Arlington. So gorgeous with the spring blossoms
Mt. Vernon

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